Uyi Abraham CONTENT MANAGER 17 min read

Hello, entrepreneurs. Trust you are having a nice day. Ever heard the saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”? Well, what if you could step away from the grind without sacrificing the opportunity to enrich yourself? Let’s face it, reading can sometimes feel like a tiresome chore – the kind that puts you on the express train to Snoozeville. For me, flipping through pages can be a bit of a yawn-fest. That’s where the magic of movies comes in; they bring stories to life with scenes that captivate and emotions that linger. When you watch, it tends to stick more than when you read, doesn’t it? Imagine this: entrepreneur movies on Netflix that not only entertain but also fuel the flames of inspiration on your entrepreneurial journey. Sounds incredible, right?

In this blog post, I’ve handpicked 15 of the best entrepreneur movies to catch with your family and friends in the vibrant year of 2024. Get ready for a cinematic experience that not only entertains but also lights the entrepreneurial spark within you.

I can’t just go on and start listing without first telling you why it is even necessary to watch entrepreneur movies on netflix. So let’s find that out first before we get into the business of the day. Sounds good,  right!

Importance of watching Entrepreneur Movies on Netflix

For aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs alike, delving into the world of entrepreneur movies on platforms like Netflix can be a transformative and insightful experience. These films not only entertain but also serve as invaluable sources of inspiration, education, and cultural understanding. Here are eight compelling reasons why entrepreneurs should make watching these movies a priority:

  1. Inspiration for Resilience: Entrepreneurial journeys often entail resilience against adversities. Watching these movies showcases the triumph of persistence and determination, motivating entrepreneurs to face challenges head-on.
  2. Strategic Thinking Lessons: Entrepreneur movies frequently depict the strategic decision-making process. By observing characters navigating through dilemmas, entrepreneurs can glean insights into effective strategic thinking and problem-solving.
  3. Leadership Exemplars: The protagonists in these movies embody various leadership styles. Observing their successes and failures provides entrepreneurs with nuanced perspectives on leadership, fostering personal growth in their own managerial roles.
  4. Innovation and Adaptation: Entrepreneurship thrives on innovation and adaptability. These movies showcase how successful entrepreneurs navigate evolving landscapes and capitalize on innovative ideas, encouraging a mindset open to change.
  5. Learning from Mistakes: Failure is an inherent part of entrepreneurship. These movies portray the protagonists’ mistakes and setbacks, emphasizing the importance of learning from failures and using them as stepping stones toward success.
  6. Cultural and Market Insight: Many entrepreneur movies are rooted in real-world scenarios, offering a cultural and market insight into specific industries or historical periods. This knowledge is crucial for entrepreneurs seeking a deeper understanding of the business landscape.
  7. Networking through Discussions: Entrepreneur movies spark discussions. Engaging in conversations with peers about the depicted scenarios fosters networking opportunities, enabling entrepreneurs to share perspectives, ideas, and experiences.
  8. Cinematic Entertainment with a Purpose: While entertaining, entrepreneur movies also serve a purpose beyond mere escapism. They provide an engaging way to unwind while still immersing oneself in the world of business, making learning enjoyable and accessible.

Key Facts to Highlight:

  • Realistic Insights: Entrepreneur movies often draw inspiration from real-life stories, providing realistic insights into the challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship.
  • Diverse Perspectives: These films offer a diverse array of entrepreneurial stories, showcasing different industries, business models, and cultural contexts.
  • Entertainment Value: Entrepreneur movies seamlessly blend entertainment with education, making learning about business principles a pleasurable experience.
  • Reflecting Current Trends: Watching movies in 2024 can offer a snapshot of prevailing cultural and business trends, keeping entrepreneurs attuned to the ever-changing market dynamics.

In essence, these entrepreneur movies on Netflix are not just a source of entertainment; they are powerful tools for personal and professional development, offering a front-row seat to the dynamic world of entrepreneurship.

Drum rolls please! I am about to unveil the top best entrepreneur movies, you should be excited. Some of these movies you might have seen before, some you don;t even know about. Watching it again with the intention of gaining something is quite different from watching it solely for entertainment, so if you have seen them before, it’s not a waste of time to watch them again. Don’t just discover them and not see them. No we should not do that; it’s bad manners.

1. The Founder

The founder is a must-watch film for aspiring entrepreneurs. Released in 2016, this biographical drama tells the captivating story of Ray Kroc, the man behind the global fast-food empire, McDonald’s. Michael Keaton delivers a brilliant performance as Kroc, showcasing his journey from a struggling milkshake machine salesman to a shrewd businessman who transforms a small burger joint into a worldwide phenomenon. The Founder offers valuable insights into the challenges and sacrifices that come with building a successful business, making it an inspiring and thought-provoking choice for entrepreneurs in 2024.

The founder

Important Lessons to Glean from this Movie

In the movie “The Founder,” which is one of the top best entrepreneur movies to watch on Netflix in 2024, there are some helpful hints that can greatly benefit entrepreneurs. Let’s check them out;

1. Persistence: The importance of persistence is highlighted as the protagonist, Ray Kroc, faces numerous rejections and setbacks but remains determined to make his vision a reality. This teaches entrepreneurs to never give up on their dreams, even in the face of adversity.

2. Innovation and Adaptation: The movie emphasizes the significance of innovation and adaptation. Ray Kroc’s ability to recognize the potential in the fast-food industry and adapt to changing market trends showcases the importance of staying ahead of the curve and constantly innovating.

3. Partnership and Networking: “The Founder” underlines the significance of partnerships and networking. Ray Kroc’s successful collaboration with the McDonald brothers demonstrates how strategic alliances can drive business growth and success.

4. Calculated Risks: The movie also sheds light on the importance of taking calculated risks. Ray Kroc’s bold decision to mortgage everything to fund the expansion of McDonald’s serves as a valuable lesson for entrepreneurs to be willing to take calculated risks in order to achieve their goals.

2. The Social Network

The film directed in 2010 by David Fincher, tells the story of Mark Zuckerberg and the creation of Facebook, it showcases the numerous obstacles and setbacks that entrepreneurs often face on their journey. It highlights the fact that even the most successful companies have their fair share of hurdles, and it is crucial for entrepreneurs to remain resilient and adaptable.

The social network

By watching this movie, entrepreneurs can learn the importance of maintaining a strong belief in their vision, staying focused on their goals, and never giving up, even in the face of adversity. With its impeccable storytelling and brilliant performances by Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield, “The Social Network” offers valuable insights into the world of startups, innovation, and the power of social media

3. Joy

One movie that stands out in the list of “15 Top Best Entrepreneur Movies to Watch on Netflix in 2024” is “Joy.” Directed by David O. Russell, this film tells the inspiring true story of Joy Mangano, a determined and innovative woman who overcame numerous obstacles to become a successful entrepreneur. Jennifer Lawrence delivers a powerful performance as Joy, showcasing her resilience and determination as she invents the Miracle Mop and builds her own business empire.


The film highlights the importance of believing in oneself, even when faced with doubts and naysayers. It showcases the power of perseverance, as Joy never gives up on her dreams despite encountering numerous setbacks. Additionally, “Joy” emphasizes the significance of innovation and taking risks in order to bring a groundbreaking product to market. This movie is a must-watch for entrepreneurs seeking motivation, encouragement, and practical insights to apply in their own business ventures.

4. The Circle

The circle

The Circle is a gripping film that explores the dark side of technology and the entrepreneurial world. The movie follows the story of a young entrepreneur named Mae Holland, who lands a dream job at a powerful tech company called The Circle. As Mae becomes immersed in the company’s culture of transparency and constant connectivity, she starts to question the moral implications of their actions.

The Circle,” offers a helpful hint that can greatly benefit entrepreneurs. The hint lies in the company’s motto: “Knowing is good, but knowing everything is better.” Entrepreneurs can learn from this notion by understanding the significance of staying informed and embracing the power of knowledge in their business ventures. By staying ahead of industry trends, gaining insights into consumer behavior, and constantly seeking information, entrepreneurs can make smarter decisions, adapt to changes, and ultimately drive their businesses towards success. “The Circle” serves as a timely reminder for entrepreneurs to prioritize continuous learning and leverage the power of knowledge to thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape of 2024. 

5. The Great Hack

One of the most thought-provoking movies on the list of “15 Top Best Entrepreneur Movies to Watch on Netflix in 2024” is “The Great Hack.” In the documentary entrepreneurs can find a helpful hint that can greatly benefit their endeavors. This eye-opening film explores the world of data mining and the impact it has on our lives, particularly in the realm of social media. As an entrepreneur, understanding the power of data and its potential to shape consumer behavior is crucial. “The Great Hack” highlights the importance of data privacy and the ways in which companies can manipulate and exploit personal information for their own gain.

The great hack

By watching this film, entrepreneurs can gain a deeper understanding of the ethical implications surrounding data usage and learn how to protect their customers’ privacy while still harnessing the power of data for business growth. It serves as a timely reminder for entrepreneurs to prioritize transparency, trust, and responsible data practices in their ventures.

6. The Pursuit of Happyness

In the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness,” based on a true story, Will Smith portrays Chris Gardner, a struggling salesman who becomes homeless while trying to provide for his young son. This inspiring film offers valuable lessons that can benefit entrepreneurs in 2024. Helpful hints from this movie include;

The pursuit of happyness
  • One helpful hint is the importance of resilience and determination. Despite facing numerous setbacks and living in challenging circumstances, Gardner never gives up on his dream of a better life. This serves as a reminder to entrepreneurs that success often requires perseverance and the ability to overcome obstacles.
  • The movie emphasizes the significance of taking risks and stepping out of one’s comfort zone. Gardner takes a chance by pursuing an unpaid internship at a prestigious brokerage firm, which eventually leads to his breakthrough in the industry.

This movie encourages entrepreneurs to embrace opportunities that may seem daunting or unconventional, as they could be the stepping stones to success.

7. The Intern

The Intern,” is a must-watch for aspiring entrepreneurs in 2024. This heartwarming comedy-drama features Robert De Niro as a 70-year-old widower who becomes an intern at an online fashion retailer founded by a young entrepreneur played by Anne Hathaway.

The intern

The movie offers valuable insights into the dynamics of intergenerational collaboration, as well as the importance of mentorship and open-mindedness in the business world. Aspiring entrepreneurs can learn from De Niro’s character, who brings his years of experience and wisdom to the table, proving that age is just a number when it comes to entrepreneurial success. “The Intern” serves as a helpful reminder that even in a rapidly changing business landscape, the value of human connection and mutual learning remains timeless.

8. The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street is a must-watch for any aspiring entrepreneur. Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, this film captures the high-stakes world of stockbroking and the rise and fall of Belfort’s empire. Leonardo DiCaprio delivers a mesmerizing performance as Belfort, showcasing his incredible charisma and determination to succeed.

The wolf of wall street

One helpful hint that entrepreneurs can take away from “The Wolf of Wall Street” is the importance of persistence and resilience in the face of challenges. The film portrays the story of Jordan Belfort, a stockbroker who faces numerous setbacks and obstacles throughout his career. However, he never gives up and always finds a way to bounce back. This teaches entrepreneurs that setbacks are inevitable, but it’s how you respond and adapt that truly matters. By maintaining a strong sense of determination and learning from failures, entrepreneurs can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

9. Boiler Room

Boiler room is a thrilling addition to the list of top best entrepreneur movies to watch on Netflix in 2024. This gripping film takes viewers on a wild journey through the high-stakes world of finance and investment. Set in the competitive atmosphere of a brokerage firm, Boiler Room follows the story of a young and ambitious entrepreneur named Seth Davis. As he tries to prove himself in the cutthroat industry, Seth gets drawn into a web of deceit and illegal activities. With its intense plot and standout performances, Boiler Room serves as a cautionary tale for aspiring entrepreneurs about the dangers of greed and the importance of ethical business practices. Helpful hint in the Boiler Room include;

Boiler room
  • It is very important to have a clear business vision and stick to ethical practices.
  • As an entrepreneur, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of your values and principles and to ensure that your business aligns with them.
  • By maintaining integrity and transparency, entrepreneurs can build a reputable brand and attract loyal customers and investors.

“Boiler Room” serves as a reminder to always prioritize ethical behavior and to never compromise integrity for short-term gains.

10 is a must-watch for any aspiring entrepreneur. Released in 2001, this documentary follows the ups and downs of a dot-com startup during the infamous dot-com bubble. It provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by entrepreneurs, including fundraising, team dynamics, and the importance of adaptability in a rapidly changing industry. The film follows the journey of two friends starting an internet company, it emphasizes the significance of having a strong and cohesive team.

Its depiction of the intense pressure and high stakes involved in starting a business serves as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and strategic decision-making in the entrepreneurial journey. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this movie is sure to inspire and educate.

11. The Hustle

“The Hustle” serves as an inspiration to viewers, reminding them of the resilience and tenacity required to achieve their dreams. With its captivating storyline and stellar performances, this movie is a must-watch for anyone seeking motivation and a glimpse into the world of entrepreneurship.

The hustle

One helpful hint that can be gained from watching the “15 Top Best Entrepreneur Movies to Watch on Netflix in 2024” is the importance of perseverance and tenacity in the entrepreneurial journey. This movie showcase the struggles and challenges faced by entrepreneurs, highlighting the fact that success does not come easily. Whether it’s navigating through financial difficulties, dealing with competitors, or overcoming personal setbacks, these films emphasize the need for entrepreneurs to stay resilient and determined. By witnessing the characters’ unwavering determination and willingness to adapt and innovate, aspiring entrepreneurs can learn that setbacks are just a part of the process and that perseverance is key to achieving their goals.

12. Jobs

One movie that should definitely be on your list of “15 Top Best Entrepreneur Movies to Watch on Netflix in 2024” is “Jobs.” This biographical drama film showcases the incredible journey of Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., and his rise to becoming one of the most innovative and influential entrepreneurs of our time. Starring Ashton Kutcher as Jobs, the movie takes you through his early days as a college dropout to the founding of Apple in his parents’ garage, and ultimately, the revolutionizing of the tech industry with iconic products like the Macintosh and iPhone.


With its captivating storytelling and powerful performances, “Jobs” offers a fascinating exploration of the entrepreneurial spirit and the relentless pursuit of one’s vision in the face of adversity. It’s a must-watch for any aspiring entrepreneur or anyone seeking inspiration from one of the greatest minds in business history.

13. Moneyball

Moneyball is a captivating film that should be on every entrepreneur’s watchlist. Released in 2011, it tells the true story of Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland Athletics baseball team. Facing a limited budget and a team of underdog players, Beane revolutionizes the game by using data and analytics to build a winning team.


The movie highlights the importance of thinking outside the box and taking risks in the world of business. With its brilliant performances and thought-provoking storyline, Moneyball serves as an inspiration for entrepreneurs to challenge conventional wisdom and find innovative solutions to achieve success.

14. The Creative Brain

The creative brain

The creative brain is one of the highly recommended entrepreneur movies to watch on Netflix in 2024. This captivating documentary takes viewers on a journey into the minds of some of the world’s most innovative and successful entrepreneurs. Through interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, it delves into the creative processes that drive these individuals to push boundaries and disrupt industries. From inventors to artists, The Creative Brain showcases how these entrepreneurs harness their creativity to achieve remarkable success.

Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or simply fascinated by the power of human ingenuity, this film is sure to inspire and captivate you. So grab your popcorn and get ready to be inspired by the incredible stories of these visionary entrepreneurs on Netflix.

15. Print The Legend

Print the legend

This film is one of the must-watch movies on Netflix for aspiring entrepreneurs in 2024. This captivating documentary delves into the world of startups and the rise of 3D printing technology. It follows the journey of two competing companies, MakerBot and Formlabs, as they strive to revolutionize the industry. As we witness the challenges, triumphs, and setbacks faced by these entrepreneurs, we gain valuable insights into the complexities of building a successful business in a rapidly evolving market. “Print The Legend” serves as an inspiration for those looking to embark on their own entrepreneurial journey, highlighting the importance of innovation, perseverance, and the ability to adapt to change.

Watching this movie can serve as a valuable reminder for entrepreneurs in 2024 that success often requires the ability to persist through obstacles and adapt to changing market conditions. It highlights the importance of staying resilient, innovative, and willing to pivot in order to thrive in the ever-changing business landscape.

Bonus Movie for Entrepreneurs to Watch on Netflix: Chef


One of the top best entrepreneur movies to watch on Netflix in 2024 is “Chef.” This heartwarming and inspiring film follows the journey of a renowned chef who decides to leave his high-profile job in a prestigious restaurant to start his own food truck business. With a burning passion for cooking and a desire for creative freedom, he sets out on a cross-country adventure, reigniting his love for food and rediscovering his entrepreneurial spirit.

“Chef” is a captivating story that highlights the challenges and triumphs of pursuing one’s dreams in the culinary world, making it a must-watch for aspiring entrepreneurs and food enthusiasts alike.


The year 2024 promises to be an exciting time for aspiring entrepreneurs and movie enthusiasts alike, as Netflix offers a diverse selection of top-notch films that delve into the world of entrepreneurship. From inspirational biopics to gripping dramas, these movies showcase the highs and lows of building a business empire. Whether you’re seeking motivation, guidance, or pure entertainment, these 15 top best entrepreneur movies on Netflix are sure to captivate and inspire. So grab your popcorn and get ready to embark on a cinematic journey that celebrates the grit, innovation, and determination of the entrepreneurial spirit.

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Uyi Abraham is an award-winning business coach, serial entrepreneur, strategist and a best-selling author. He has been educating people on business and success principles for over 20 years. He is the founder of – a SaaS company that makes it easy for entrepreneurs to start and grow a profitable online business.

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